BRUNCHIN & LUNCHIN LOCATION HOURS 313 2nd St SE #105 +14344228191 Monday - Saturday: 9 AM - 3 PMSun: 10 AM – 3 PM Serving breakfast, lunch, and brunch WITH A FULL BAR in Charlottesville’s downtown. You’re one tot away from your new happy place order now Menu Brunch Menu Sandwiches on house-made brioche + chef-made toppings + tasty sides + healthy leafy options that don’t taste terrible + boozey bevvies & coffee & maybe boozey coffee = CHICKADEE Sandwiches on house-made brioche + chef-made toppings + tasty sides + healthy leafy options that don’t taste terrible + boozey bevvies & coffee & maybe boozey coffee = CHICKADEE Sandwiches on house-made brioche + chef-made toppings + tasty sides + healthy leafy options that don’t taste terrible + boozey bevvies & coffee & maybe boozey coffee = CHICKADEE Sandwiches on house-made brioche + chef-made toppings + tasty sides + healthy leafy options that don’t taste terrible + boozey bevvies & coffee & maybe boozey coffee = CHICKADEE Sandwiches on house-made brioche + chef-made toppings + tasty sides + healthy leafy options that don’t taste terrible + boozey bevvies & coffee & maybe boozey coffee = CHICKADEE Sandwiches on house-made brioche + chef-made toppings + tasty sides + healthy leafy options that don’t taste terrible + boozey bevvies & coffee & maybe boozey coffee = CHICKADEE Hi Hungry, I’m Chickadee Let’s Talk